Le Chant des Templiers (the song of the Templars) is a solemn intonation of the Salve Regina prayer. This hymn, so beloved by many saints, found strong devotees in the ranks of the Crusaders. The Knights Templar, true warrior-monks, were ready to fight for the Kingdom of Heaven with both prayer and sword. It is not a simple coincidence that St. Bernard of Clairvaux, who was the inspirer of the foundation of the Knights Templar, was also the supposed author of the Salve Regina.


The Darthvord Clan


Eager To Fight?

Join alongside your clansman as you discover the remnants of Lost Kingdoms and venture forth into Forgotten Dungeons.

Prepare for War & Engage in Military Campaigns as Clans strive to become Empires within an Epic Social MMO.


Seek The Truth!

Become a member of Armozels Faithful, the seekers of Divine Truth and advocates for the blessings of The Fifth Redeemer.

Members of The Church of The Fifth Redeemer seek out the Lost Knowledge from the past and are lead by the Oracle of Grace.


Want To Craft?

Become a Grand Master Craftsman in your chosen professions and work alongside the Craftsman's Guild.

With a wide range of Professions to master and Resources to collect, there is plenty of ways to prove your worth to the rest of the clan without swinging a sword.

The Darthvord Clan

What is DVC?

The Darthvord Clan is a Pax Dei MMO Group that is centered around the World Lore of Armozel, The Fifth Redeemer. We are focused on creating a Strong Community that aims to forge a Lasting Legacy.

Pax Dei presents players with the unique opportunity to create a Player Driven State & Economy. DVC seeks to support this vision by creating Immersive Gameplay and Social Events for the Broader Community.



Applying for Membership to join the ranks of DVC requires seeking Sponsorship from an Established Clan Member who will guide you through the process and ensure that you meet the criteria to become a Clan Associate (New Recruits & Associates).

Members on the DVC Discord Server are required to change their Nickname / Server Profile to reflect their Characters Name to assist with Identification & Verification. Using the DVC Discord Server is an important way to stay engaged with clan activities.

Clan Members can aspire to take on Clan Roles and earn Ranks within the guilds that they represent. Those who prove worthy can also seek to take on Leadership Roles to assist with the Community Organisation & Clan Administration.

Character Roleplaying relevant to the World Lore is an important way to support Player Driven Gameplay within the World of Pax Dei.

DVC seeks to create an Immersive Experience for its members and the broader community, as such DVC Members are required to adhere to basic Role Play Guidelines, these are relevant to Talking In Character and using *emotes* as required.

Clan Members are not required to engage in RP but should maintain the appropriate interactions with those attempting to do so.

Server: NA Region
World: [RP] Nyx
Province: Ancien
Home Valley: Tursan

New Recruits must work alongside their Clan Sponsor as they prove themselves to the rest of the clan which will require a minimum of two weeks interacting with the clan. Once approved, the clan will vote on Clan Associates to become an Official Clan Member.

Want to join DVC? Head on over to Join The Ranks to find out more!

Community Clans & Guilds

DVC Allies

Hosted & Community Events


Participate in Arena Championships & Tournaments throughout the Blessed Region of Gallia.

Military Camps

Join Military Camps hosted by The Paladins of Armozel and sharpen your Combat Skills with the best.

Clan Events

Clan Events allow for members to work together on common tasks that strengthen the bonds of clanship.

Community Events

From Singing in Taverns to Raiding Dungeons, there is a Community Event to suit everyone.

Village Markets

The Tursan Merchants Collective host monthly Village Markets at Darthvord Village.

The Darthvord Clan [DVC] would not exist without the amazing content from Main Frame Industries, creators of the Pax Dei MMO.

DVC is not endorsed nor affiliated with Main Frame Industries, it is an Online Community that supports their vision.


© 2023 -
The Darthvord Clan


A Member of The DVC Network