Applying for Membership to join the ranks of DVC requires seeking Sponsorship from an Established Clan Member who will guide you through the process and ensure that you meet the criteria to become a Clan Associate (New Recruits & Associates).
Members on the DVC Discord Server are required to change their Nickname / Server Profile to reflect their Characters Name to assist with Identification & Verification. Using the DVC Discord Server is an important way to stay engaged with clan activities.
Clan Members can aspire to take on Clan Roles and earn Ranks within the guilds that they represent. Those who prove worthy can also seek to take on Leadership Roles to assist with the Community Organisation & Clan Administration.
Character Roleplaying relevant to the World Lore is an important way to support Player Driven Gameplay within the World of Pax Dei.
DVC seeks to create an Immersive Experience for its members and the broader community, as such DVC Members are required to adhere to basic Role Play Guidelines, these are relevant to Talking In Character and using *emotes* as required.
Clan Members are not required to engage in RP but should maintain the appropriate interactions with those attempting to do so.
Server: NA Region
World: [RP] Nyx
Province: Ancien
Home Valley: Tursan
New Recruits must work alongside their Clan Sponsor as they prove themselves to the rest of the clan which will require a minimum of two weeks interacting with the clan. Once approved, the clan will vote on Clan Associates to become an Official Clan Member.
Want to join DVC? Head on over to Join The Ranks to find out more!

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